
Fee Type Description Payment Frequency Amount (INR) GST
Setup Fees ProISo Private Instance Setup fees on Cloud Server One Time INR 30,000 Extra 18%
Subscription Fees ProISo Annual Software Subscription Fees Annually INR 2,00,000 Extra 18%
Add on Service Training and Implementation Charges, That include setup of Masters, and Training of Client Personnel for running the Software One Time INR 1,00,000 Extra 18%
Development Charges Software development and Customisation charges as per Client Requirements One Time Additional as per Scope of Work Demanded from Time to Time Extra 18%
Cloud Charges Cloud Server Charges Hosted in Frappe Cloud (AWS Managed Instance) Monthly Extra as per Actuals 0%
Monthly Annually

Shared Instance



+ 18% GST

  • Single User
  • Cost Effective
  • Ease of Implementation
  • Ideal for MSME Manufacturing Units

Private Instance

  • Unlimited Users
  • Private Cloud Instance
  • Enhanced Information Security
  • Ideal for Bigger Manufacturing Units

Customised Implementation

  • Tailor Made to your Organization's Business Requirements
  • Flexible Implementation
  • Customised Software Product
  • Ideal for Multisite Manufacturing Organizations

Get connect with us for any query.